
June 1, 2010

[ moving forward ]
Originally uploaded by DaizyB
I had one of those moments over the weekend, I hope it was from God, where it all hit me – it hit me that I am 28 years old, I want a place of my own, I want to live in LA, San Diego or New York, and more than anything I’m unhappy because I’m not being allowed to do what I have the talent and skill for. I hate that feeling, but I want to use it constructively. So the question is, how do I do that?

How do I respect and honor the people that are good enough to employ me now, yet try to get something more in line with where my talents lie? Do I take the ultimate leap of faith and just quit my job and step out into the unknown, confident God will provide?

I need a lot of prayer in this aspect. I’ve been in this place for awhile. So long it becomes complacent and it takes weekends like the last to remind me that I don’t have to be this unhappy with work.

God will do something, I am confident. I am just tired of asking “when”.