
Septermber 10 2009

I love movies. That's why I am trying to push this boulder uphill & make this a career. Still, I have recently come to the conclusion that I want my drama to stay in my movies.

I am hoping it is a phase but lately it seems like I have had an upsurge of drsma in my life. I was laid off, unemployment was a joke, I was rehird & my job changed completely while I was gone, a good friend decided to cut me out of her life, my brothers both ended relationships, 2 of my best friends ended their relationship, a friend has a huge crush on me (making me quite uneasy), my grandmother is slowly dying, etc. And on top of that I am still trying to push END.

Yesterday I decided I hit my limit. I have hit my drama quotient for 2009. Unless there is something positive coming, the rest of my drama can wait for 2010 to hit.

If only it were that easy.

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